JavaScript is the programming language of choice of Generation X. It is lightweight , dynamic and gives independence of operating from either client or server side. It is an interpretive language that is object oriented. It is quite easy to program, at least on a beginner’s level. JavaScript is preferred by both professional and beginners. JavaScript Explained is the target of this brief analysis.

JavaScript History

JavaScript was originally developed by Netscape in order to add interactive dynamism to websites. JavaScript was released on December 4, 1995, as able to contribute to both server-side and client-side software. It was designed by Brendan Eich. It is event driven, functional, and imperative. There is a story behind its name. When JavaScript was created, it was called “LiveScript”, because it was meant to “liven” webpages. But in order to create a better positioning for this new product, and keeping in view the popularity of Java at that time, it was released as a kind of “younger brother” to Java, to cash in. But JavaScript soon became fully independent from Java, being structured around the specifications taken from ECMAScript. Today, JavaScript can execute in the Browser, the Server and on any device which is loaded with JavaScript Engine.

What is it, technically?

JavaScript has been defined variously as a dynamic computer language, a programming language used in web development. As a typical server-side scripting language, JavaScript can be inserted anywhere within the HTML of a webpage. . Thus it can update and change both HTML and CSS. JavaScript is a text-based programming language that can be used on both the client-side and the server-side. JavaScript converts a webpage to a dynamic and interactive experience for the User from the boringly static. JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language for ease of web development, enhancing the User experience to create responsive environments. Objects are variables which can be assigned many values. Arrays can be used to store multiple values in a single variable. JavaScript can calculate, manipulate and validate Data. It has only one type of Number. Numbers can be stored as with or without decimals. All numbers are stored as Double Precision Floating Point Numbers. Strings store text. Strings are written inside quotes (single or double quotes). The length of a string is found in the built-in property length.

JavaScript is close to Java, but the syntax is influenced by ECMAScript , which is similar to C and was developed by Sun Microsystems. Though usable on both ends, JavaScript is actually a client-side scripting language. Thus, it is the Client’s web browser that processes the Source Code. In other words, the JavaScript allows functions to run after a webpage has been loaded, without any communication from the server. Similar to ASP, PHP and other server side language for scripting, JavaScript codes can be used on a HTML webpage effortlessly. However, you need to remember that the Javascript codes are noticeable on the webpages and the server side codes are displayed as a result only.


JavaScript Engine can execute not only in the Browser, but also on the Server. In fact, it can execute on any device loaded with JavaScript Engine. The Browser often has an embedded engine, which may be called a “JS virtual machine”. The Engine reads or “parses” the script. Then it converts (or “compiles”) the script to machine language. Finally, the machine code runs, in very high speeds, optimizing as the program runs. Code names vary for separate engines, as follows:

  • As in Opera and Chrome: V8
  • As in Firefox: Spider Monkey
  • As in Microsoft Edge: ChakraCore
  • As in Safari: Nitro & SquirrelFish

Every type of software uses JavaScript, such as Productivity apps, Robotics, IoT (Internet of Things) devices, 3D Games etc. It can be used to build mobile applications and is commonly employed in everything from mobile games to free local sex apps. Dating apps specifically prefer JS due to its wide use, speed, and flexibility. Frameworks are available that can use JavaScript to build Android and iOS Apps. When compared to Python, JavaScript runs much faster. Python is better designed, but JavaScript runs on both browser and server, where Python is mostly used on server side programming.

There are over 1.6 Billion websites in the World, and JavaScript is used on 95% of them. In other words, 1.52 Billion websites run on JavaScript. And that is the Final Word on JavaScript explained.